Thursday, September 27, 2007

Things you can bring to the meeting

Here are a few things you could bring to the meeting on Saturday if you can.

Marine cooler
Large serving platter for presenting the shoulders
A sample of dinner ware plates we can use to serve the judges with
We need 4 - nice glasses to serve water
Cloth napkins
Food scale up to several pounds
Gallon size zip lock bags
Apple Juice

If you are a monthly paying member and can get caught up that would be great.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sept 29th Team Meeting

If you have not received the email that Christy sent out and have not given Christy your email address, please do so. If there is anyone that may not have received the word that you can think of please forward this to them, or give them a call to get in touch with Todd, Ed, Palmer or Christy.

A few added words to the email.

We will be doing some minor maintenance on the rig, so you may want to wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty if you are able to help out.
We will have a printed off sheet with the suggested names for the team for members to choose up to three that they like. Our team name for at least this event is Optimus Swine, we can change it if need be.
We will be discussing entering more categories such as exotic, beef, seafood etc. If you have a recipe you would like to try in competition now will be the time to speak up. If you want to bring a sampling to the meeting, by all means feel free (but that is not necessary). Kat has expressed an interest in doing the desert and Johnny has expressed an interest in doing Poultry. Personally, my vote is for Jeff to turn in a mustard sauce - but that is up to him & the team.
If you know of any "want-to-be members" that haven't jumped off the fence yet, you can invite them as well if they are serious about joining the team.
Hope to see as many of you as possible for this short but important meeting.

( A copy of the email sent out)

Optimus Swine BBQ Team

Hello Team Members!! Our first competition is just around the corner and we need your help! Hatchie Hollow Hog Fest Bolivar, TN at the Hardeman County Fairgrounds on Hwy 64 Friday, October 19th & Saturday, October 20th Our first official team meeting will be Saturday, September 29th. We will be meeting at the home of Todd B. Meeting time: 10:00 - Noon We will be...

· Confirming all team member contact information.
· Outlining the details of our first competition.
· Delegating member responsibilities.
· Prepping the trailer for the event.
· Taking equipment inventory

Anyone who wants to stay later is more than welcome. We will be removing the old paint from the grill and re-wiring the trailer lights. We will provide pizza for lunch, but no bbq for obvious reasons. B.Y.O.B This is a very exciting time for our new team. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!!

Optimus Swine BBQ Team Member

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Holy Mississippi Manure, Bat Man!

Ms. Lisa Staggs has joined the team with more enthusiasm then should be allowed by law. Actually she lost a bet and had to choose between joining the team and wearing a Cowboys jersey while big daddy John was bar tending. Looks like we were the lesser of two evils.

We're taking up a collection for Lisa's gas bill for traveling up this far North from Southern Mississippi. Congratulate her when you see her, as she is in the process of beginning her 15th year in college! Thirty something and still doing homework, geeeez. She also teaches kindergarten, so excuse the perpetual runny nose and sniffling.

Welcome aboard !

Cook out was a success!

We apologize for the last minute notice on the last cook out; however it was a success and a good time. We cooked for the golf tournament the T.J.'s put on Monday after the party. The feedback was good on the pulled pork, with more than one member suggesting that we start out with competing in shoulder rather than ribs. That's all up for discussion, though and yet to be decided.