Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Summarization of team meeting

We had a team meeting on Sunday the 4th to unload the trailer and go over a few items for Memphis In May. Here is a summarizing of what we covered.

  • MIM load in will be Tuesday around noon. Please contact Todd for specific times for loading the trailer, etc.
  • Break down begins Saturday night for the cleaning and packing. Sunday around 10 or 11 we will meet to load everything up and take it to Todd's house for unpacking.
  • The team night, family night, etc is Wed night. At 3:00 they will kick everyone out who does not have a 24-hour wrist bands. The park then opens at 5:30 until 10:00 for Wed night ticket holders.
  • We are asking that everyone make an attempt to either help set up or break down if possible.
  • There are no rides, Ferris wheels, etc at Memphis In May. I do not allow the younger children in after say 0'dark thirty typically. Around that time the general atmosphere is normally not conducive for younger children, bring them at your own risk after that time.
  • We will edit a few songs on the song list as to the language as requested by a few folks.
  • We are looking at having a general selection of food between 6 and 8 on Ed, Thursday, and Fir day. With left overs being eaten on Saturday. The menu will consist of something along the lines of what we had at Southaven with Burgers, Dogs, BBQ chicken, Potato Salad, Slaw and pulled pork sandwiches from the shoulder we pulled in Southaven.
  • Please emphasize to your friends when you invite them that the invitation is for them and not for the to in turn invite their friends. Members get to invite friends, friends do not get to invite friends. If everyone only invites 3 people, we have over 100 people - it can snowball quick. My 18 year old son is invited and he may bring a friend, however he does not and will not have invitational powers to in turn invite a bunch of friends, we are not set up for that kind of entertaining and we do not want an over abundance of under age young adults in the tent.
  • Everyone will need to wear a team wrist band. Team members will receive 3-wristbands. In general one for themselves, one for a significant other and one for whom ever they choose.
  • Each additional wrist band is $15.00. This does not get them in the park, it only gets them in the tent. And we would still encourage a "donation" with the amount depending on what they are receiving in return. If someone comes in for an hour and has two beers obviously their donation amount would and should be different than a friend who hangs out for hours on end, eating and drinking to their hearts content.
  • We are asking that you pre-sell a few so we can raise a little bit of funds to purchase the food and beverages. Emphasize to your friends that are thinking about coming that YOU had to pay $15.00 for that wrist band and that you can't afford (or the team) to hand them out free of charge.
  • We do have a few donations from corporate sponsors again for MIM. Mark Miesse, a closing attorney in Germantown is donating $500 and J.B. has acquired $200 from a pool supply distributor with a possible another $500 from another company and we would then entertain around 10 employees.
  • When you are heading from home and coming down to the park, make a courtesy call to someone at the park to see if there is anything we may need. It would be greatly appreciated.
  • Especially during Thursday and Friday nights in the middle of having a really good time, it is easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that there a things that need to get done to facilitate us having a good time. Take time (maybe 30 minutes) and help out. Simple things to keep an eye out for is taking out the garbage before it over flows, helping to pack things away after we eat, volunteer to clean a few dishes (we need to be stingy on the amount of water we use), help out at the door checking for wrist bands, helping to serve the bar (if we have one).
  • No under age drinking by anyone will be tolerated. If you invite someone in the tent you need to have a very clear understanding as to whether or not they are of drinking age (and no a good fake ID does not count). You will be held responsible for your guests. Todd and I are responsible for the teams behavior and the team can be instantly disqualified and asked to leave should we get caught, this is not fair to the team.
  • Brian has volunteered to help with supplies for jello shots if we can find some volunteers to make them. Please do not break out the jello shots during family hour (or Wed night) as the young children will have a hard time understanding why they can't have jello.
  • Have special request for alcohol? Buy it and bring it. Bring a cooler with your name on it, a piece of tape wit your name will service. Respect a cooler that you know is not yours.
  • The cooler on the trailer will be for the meat, etc and will not be accessible for bottles of liquor, etc. personal items need to be placed in coolers.
  • Parking is of a premium. Make arrangements if you can, or fight for one as most everyone else will have to do. Bringing down personal coolers, etc in the middle of rush hour on Thursday or Friday is inadvisable as it is a royal pain. Try to get these to the park during day light early hours with Wed and Thursday afternoon being the easiest. We will not have room to load them in for you on Tuesday as our vehicles will be crammed pack full of supplies. (you are welcome to join us and carry them in at that time).
  • Please email me at memphisremax@yahoo.com with an idea on when you can be down a the park and if you will be able to spend the night on any of the nights. We have two cots available, I used them at Southaven with a sleeping bag and a small pillow and they worked fine.
  • It is customary by most teams to allow other 24-hours wristband holders in their tents with out asking for a "donation" if you will. However it is also customary to bring in a full can of beer or what ever and not to use theirs unless you are willing to help them out with their beer costs as well.
  • Rush hour on Thursday and Friday night are from 8-11:30. It gets hectic, lets keep an eye out for each other and for folks trying to enter the tent who don't belong.
  • We will need to take turns at the bar (if we have one) in 15 minute increments or so.
  • If anyone else has access to a large marine cooler, we would love to borrow it.

Lets have fun and enjoy Memphis In May. Thank you to everyone for all their support.

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